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BW Businessworld

When Technology Embraces Learning!

Learning never stops at the doorstep of an educational institution, rather life is the greatest teacher and technology gives us the leeway to leverage it for reverse integrating into the initial learning phases itself

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Technology is the outcome of aspirational learning. So, what transpires when this outcome embraces the learning itself ! We see the emergence of an adaptive transformation in approach to the experience per se. It creates a re-invented pathway for inclusive learning opportunities bridging the long-standing equality and accessibility gaps. The institutions of learning from the very pre-school stages to the most specialised academic campuses need to incubate the thought process of an explorer in its tutelage. 

The diverse and dispersed learning community of today’s era do not shy away from using technology-based platforms for furthering their learning and collaboration. The role of educators thus also needs to evolve with the times. They have to create a trajectory for their own development and upskilling alongside their students. Education leaders should set a vision for creating learning experiences that provide the right tools and support for all learners to thrive. Education stakeholders like faculty, researchers, policymakers, technology developers, community members need to commit to working together with the learners and their families to leverage technology usage for enhanced learning. 

Integrating technology and education

The integration of technology into education process can lead to increased efficiency and effectiveness in delivery for all stakeholders. Pedagogical changes can be brought about by developing appropriate model of learning with the assistance of technology. Thus, the embrace of technology and learning assumes importance in its own way.  

The objective assessment for technology-driven learning should be to understand the role of technology in serving an increasingly diverse student profile, develop the knowledge of mapping the approaches to learning and collaboration with aid of technology and to build learning experiences with the use of technology to meet the learners’ aspirations.

Technology – Ubiquitous!

Even though technology has become a ubiquitous part of everyday life, there is still considerable resistance to enthusiastic embrace within the realm of education. There remain major challenges to surmount and integrate technology such as AI for playing an important role in improving personalised education. 

How as leaders in education do we take a peek in the futures for effective pedagogical transition that could successfully incorporate the core of effective technology integration?

The one change that any evolving technology-based education system should integrate, is to develop skills in the learners for improving their employability in the present and future scenarios of the business ecosystem. That would outline the defining characteristics for the teachers of the future as well. 

The Indian context 

In the Indian context of things, the pandemic has brought forth a new kind of acceptability in the education system. The potential of technology enabled tools was harnessed under initiatives like NROER, NISHTHA, SWAYAM-PRABHA, MOOCs. These were made with respect to development of digital content, capacity building, creation of MIS, monitoring promoting learning, research and evaluation. Technology has made an impact in the admission process, parent-teacher interactions and learning evaluation process. 

Researchers in varied fields are now using technology in conducting surveys and collecting responsive data using various apps like telegram, Google forms, MS forms etc. thus on one hand speeding up the process and going paperless in many ways. The Indian foray into this have been built around three pillars of digital empowerment, governance and service and digital infrastructure development for stable and uniform access. Technology enabled tools for student learning and data management like the Shala Darpan project for all KVs, student data management and information system using Aadhar DBT, dissemination of resources such as e-pathshala, PM e-vidya, Swayam-prabha has enhanced the curriculum as well as its monitoring and evaluation.  Various mobile apps using augmented reality have been initiated like Kishore manch, NAS, Parakh, Nishtha. 

Emergence of various tools like online labs and other promising innovation especially with flexible access holds significant potential for raising learning capability of leaners. It has an element of personalization which can make education interesting.

The next level of preparations

Realising that education is a social institution, which embraces changes, as and when proliferated, makes it imperative for all stakeholders to innovate. There is a need of preparing students for future skillsets which will be based on exploratory and experiential learning. Providing learning opportunities through gamification through interactive and collaborative nature of games will capture the attention. Successful Models for these need to have reflective and transformational based pedagogy, problem solving features, option for field engagement, platform for interaction with peers and teachers, forum for sharing ideas and an underlying user passion for pursuing new arena for learnings.  

Thus, need is to aim for upgrading knowledge and connect with life through technology. Everything we require is in the ecosystem of our existence and the only requirement is to evolve while being adaptive to the changes.  

Learning never stops at the doorstep of an educational institution, rather life is the greatest teacher and technology gives us the leeway to leverage it for reverse integrating into the initial learning phases itself. 

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the article above are those of the authors' and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of this publishing house. Unless otherwise noted, the author is writing in his/her personal capacity. They are not intended and should not be thought to represent official ideas, attitudes, or policies of any agency or institution.

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Prof (Dr) Manoj Joshi

Dr. Manoj Joshi is a Fellow Institution of Engineers, Professor of Strategy, Director, Centre for VUCA Studies, Amity University, with 30+ years of experience in industry & research. He has authored 100+ articles, co-authored four books “VUCA in Start-ups” “The VUCA Company”, “The VUCA Learner”, “Technology Business Incubators” and is also on the Editorial Board of several international refereed Journals.

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Deepmalya Datta

A B.Tech (ECE) and MBA with professional experience of over 14 years in the oil/gas/petroleum sector. Presently working with Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, a Fortune 500 Company. Broadly as a researcher, interested in strategic studies in energy transitions due to VUCA challenges posed by depleting fossil fuel reserves and emerging alternatives.

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